• Issue
  • Sep 01, 2021

One on One: Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan

Installation view of ALFREDO AND ISABEL AQUILIZAN’s Project M201: In God We Trust, 2003, stainless steel, video, sound, and domestic objects, dimensions variable, at "Fragments: Another Country," Queensland University of Technology Art Museum, Brisbane, 2013. Photo by Carl Warner. Courtesy the artist and Queensland University of Technology Art Museum.

I was still studying advertising in college in the early 2000s when, one fateful evening, I decided to go to the opening of an art exhibition with my classmates. The show was for a painting competition in Manila and the award ceremony was that night. We were hanging out at a table with some food and drinks when a man came to us with a plate in his hand. He was tall and had long hair. He asked us what we were doing at the opening, maybe because he saw us wearing school uniforms. I told him that we were there to see the exhibition and that we were interested in joining the next painting competition. He said, “you should do installation.” The ceremony started and people gathered in the main hall. He left to talk to other guests, and I continued eating my pica-pica. The man was named Alfredo Aquilizan.